Sunday, September 10, 2017

During Hurricane Irma... 2017

Sunday, Sept. 10, 2017

11:00 AM...
Nine hours before the eye gets here.
Looking out the garage window to the house across the street.

Winds gusting to around 40 mph now...continuing to increase for the next four hours into Hurricane Force winds for an additional 12 hours.

Gonna be a long night......

Still have power ( although it keeps going off, then coming on) so I keep a close watch on TV.

My finger is pointing to the area where I am hunkered down at Tim and Karen's house.

Red is 9+ foot storm surge, Orange is 5+, Yellow is 3 to 5, and Blue is 1-3 feet of surge area. I-75 is the red line to the right of my finger.

That's a prediction of what Could Happen, not necessarily what will happen.

My location is near Estero, just West of I-75....the eye had just passed over. My previously intended location was at the Blue Dot near Alva. That is Mike and Pat's house, it sustained much more damage. It was in the Northeastern quadrant of the eye wall. Time of this shot was 7:15, Irma hit my location around 6:30.

1:00 PM...

Tree limbs starting to come down across the street. Can't see any of the yard where I am filming from.

House is holding up good as wind increases.

Don't know if Pool Cage is going to survive though. Not looking good.

2:30 PM..

Minutes before the strongest winds came.
Progression of Horrorcane Irma as she make her way over the house I am hunkered down in. Thank you Tim and Karen for allowing me to hang out at your place while you watch from New York and wonder if you still have a house. Your home is a fortress.
Luckily, Florida Power & Light got our power back on much quicker than expected so I have some blog posts to catch up on before daylight.
I will post some After-Irma pics later....hoping Mystic Lady, Tika 2, and all the boats at Legacy Marina held up as well as I did.
Really worried about my friend Mike Harder's place out in LaBelle. I was intending to stay at his place but the storm changed tracks and I changed locations at the last minute.

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear my brother! That is what all of us are praying for. It will be by the grace of God that Florida excapes with very mild damage😬 That is one monster storm( or could rear it's ugly head at any time). Hunker down and know we are thinking of all y'all 💕
