Sunday, August 14, 2022

FLYING AGAIN....after 32 years

 Sunday, August 14, 2022

After selling my Beautiful 1979 Piper Lance back in 1990 to concentrate (and finance) our new Business Venture I just figured my flying days were over.

Well, after 32 years, my son-in-law Greg asked if I would go for a 3 hour trip with him.

However, I did not know he would ask me to fly the airplane. In the last year or so, Greg has become a renowned Flight Instructor and is currently working on his Multi-Engine rating.

Greg had become an excellent pilot while flying with me over 35 years ago. He watched, learned, and trained. So, to make a long story short, he felt comfortable asking me to fly even though I had not even sat in an airplane in 32 years.

Well, this looked a little familiar so I climbed in.

Now mind you, I had not flown a Cessna in over 40 years. All four of my airplanes had been Pipers.

But my old buddy Chester Adamson once told me....It's like riding a bicycle, it will come natural.

After a few pointers from Greg we were ready to taxi out to the runway.

Here he is explaining how this IPad was going to be our map and GPS system......yeah, right.

In my day the Ipad wasn't even a thought in Bill Gates mind. In fact, we didn't even have GPS.

Winds 15-18 knots.....Gusting to 20
A little choppy but "No Hill for a Climber"

Just another day at the office......

Another successful entry into an old, crusty Log Book. notice the dates on the left side.
Last entry before today, November 15, 1990......
8/14/22.........flying from Bowling Green......Cessna C-172......2.5 hours.
Damn near 32 years..

Our wings for this day...............

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